The Future Farming exhibit at expo dubai has concluded

The Future Farming exhibit at expo dubai has concluded

The Future Farming exhibit at EXPO Dubai has concluded and we would like to briefly evaluate it. We were present from Saturday, January 15 to Saturday, January 29, 2022. The world exposition EXPO in Dubai continues until 31 March 2022.

The main element of our exposition in the Czech pavilion was a video of the future vision of our city – an example of a regular day in the life of a person in the year 2050. In the video, a total of 32 innovative Czech companies introduced their practical solutions for the improvement of cities. Our company is one of them.

The Future Farming company, through this spectacular exhibition, operated autonomously, captured attention on an international scale. We recorded interest and demand, which we are gradually processing. The world exposition EXPO Dubai was a great opportunity to raise public awareness of aquaponics and we are definitely planning to participate in similar fairs that have a similarly large impact.

We are excited for the next encounter within the continuing project City For The Future at a different place and perhaps even this year.

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