Prime minister Petr Fiala visited our aquaponic farm in Brno

Prime minister Petr Fiala visited our aquaponic farm in Brno

On Monday 13 June 2022, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fialaaccompanied by his colleagues, visited the largest aquaponic farm Future Farming in Europe – in Dolní Heršpice, Brno.

During his visit, the Prime Minister visited mainly the plant and fish part A of our large greenhouse complex as well as blocks B and C, the construction of which is progressing successfully. These parts of the farm should be completed and operational later this year. The Prime Minister and his team were accompanied by Future Farming’s Managing Directors Michal Fojtík and Martin Podoba.

A blue coat had to be put on before entering our plant. Strict hygiene rules apply on our farms, and we could not make an exception.

Mr. Fiala was interested in the technology of vertical cultivation and the economic and other advantages of aquaponics. We presented him with our plans and ambitions in the Czech Republic as well as on foreign markets – especially in Central Europe.

“They are combining fish farming with vegetable farming. They also presented me with the concept they want to develop, and it seems to me that these are the modern approaches to agriculture that are certainly worthy of attention,” said Prime Minister Petr Fiala.

We welcome every helpful hand extended towards aquaponics. We communicate and cooperate with everyone who is interested in aquaponics, listens to us, and wants to help us in aquaponics in some way. This time it was the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic.

The construction of the aquaponics infrastructure in the Czech Republic continues at a rapid pace. Follow us and keep an eye on how we are growing.

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