Future Farming significantly expands its business strategy

Future Farming significantly expands its business strategy

The Future Farming team focuses on combining the most advanced technologies to achieve substantial environmental savings as well as economic impact. Supported by associations, scientists, and major technology companies, we are doing something that we cannot keep to ourselves. That’s why we’ve decided to make our sophisticated functional units available to others through our new Development Department. Because we’re not able to change the world of farming on our own.

Was erfahren Sie in diesem Artikel?

  1. New Development department
  2. Advanced hydroponics
  3. RAS
  4. Technology

We have achieved success, and we want to share it

Our technology, which we’ve developed and thoroughly tested with the help of world-class commercial and university partners, simply works. Two producing farms in the Czech Republic are proof of this, and we’re building two more. And now, we’re ready to offer our know-how to the world. We want to focus on implementing smaller and larger farms, whose owners will be provided with installation, maintenance, and service of the technology.

For this reason, we established our new Development Department to communicate with potential buyers of our services and then pass the contract on to other departments:

  • The Construction Department will prepare the project. At the client’s request, we are able to implement the entire farm as a general contractor.
  • In the Technology Department, we’ll supply the technology and resolve any complaints during the warranty period. 
  • The Operation Department offers feed, seedlings, and fingerlings.
  • The Service Department will arrange maintenance and repair of the technology or other parts of the client’s own farm.

The Development Department covers and coordinates the whole process.

We are changing the agricultural sector.

We understand that if we want to transform current conventional agriculture into a sustainable process, we cannot rely on aquaponics alone. We have reached a stage where even hydroponics can be sustainable and operate without chemicals. In fact, we produce our own high-quality fish food, and we now also produce plant-based fertilizers of organic quality for hydroponics.

Until recently, there were differences between aquaponics and hydroponics in the impact on product quality and the environment. But it doesn’t have to be like that if you find the right way. And we have found it. We know how to operate aquaponics and hydroponics in the right way, and we can customize both.

In addition, we also have recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), where the water cycles through a filtration system, maintaining its quality and eliminating the need to replace it. Nowadays, when we are faced with constant water shortages, the RAS system is a perfect solution.

Growing organic-quality food sovereignty

Therefore, today we can help our clients implement an aquaponic farm, and hydroponic and RAS farms as well, according to their wishes, all based on leading Czech technologies.

By providing constructions to small family and community farms, smaller production facilities, large technological units, right up to commercial farms, we will:

  • Expand the availability of modern farming; 
  • Make it cheaper to input; 
  • Enhance the food sovereignty of the Czech Republic.

As a true leader, we are bringing a huge expansion to the segment of sustainable growing. This puts local distribution of aquaponic food grown in an environmentally-friendly way within reach.


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