At Future Farming, we give environmental responsibility and sustainability the green light

At Future Farming, we give environmental responsibility and sustainability the green light

At Future Farming, we’re deeply concerned about the impact of human activity on the living world. Since the very beginning, therefore, our vision has been especially guided by ideas of sustainability and environmental responsibility. Respect for the natural world and a flair for innovating to protect our environment are simply in our blood. Come and discover for yourself.

Was erfahren Sie in diesem Artikel?

  1. A gentle approach to the environment
  2. We carefully verify all inputs into our aquaponics system
  3. We cultivate talent and enthusiasm

An environmental approach? We’d be happy to sign
up for that!

And so we did. In January 2021, the company Future Farming and the Statutory City of Brno entered into a memorandum of long-term cooperation on adaptation to climate change. The memorandum contains our commitment to help Brno in its plan to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by the year 2030. We regard the minimisation of greenhouse gas emissions as our obligation to future generations.

The city of Brno has prepared 10 steps that companies can take to contribute – and we, besides the standard areas of minimisation, like increasing energy efficiency or using renewable energy, will also be helping Brno meet its commitments thanks to the carbon neutral production of food in our farms.

Actions speak louder than words

The city of Brno has listed us among examples of good practice, which we appreciate and will do our best to honour. How exactly?

  • We only invest in environmentally friendly technology, because green and clean technologies are the future.
  • We use waste from the fish farms to make chemical-free organic fertilisers.
  • In cooperation with other companies, we’re developing a circular system – from feeding to bio-waste treatment.
  • We don’t burden the environment with unnecessary long-distance transport emissions, because our products are intended for local distribution.

According to data from the specialist website faktaoklimatu.cztraditional agriculture’s share in greenhouse gas emissions in the Czech Republic is over 6.7%. To which you also have to add pollution from freight transport, since most foodstuffs reach customers after having journeyed hundreds of kilometres. Aquaponics is an alternative agriculture, one that barely contributes to these figures.

Evidence, not promises 

In 2021, the project ‘Aquaponie Future Farming’ was assessed by an expert panel from the SDGs Awards, which seek to raise awareness regarding sustainable development goals (SDGs). Projects must fulfil the UN’s principles for sustainable development and have the potential to change the world for the better. Of the 238 projects assessed, ours was ranked in the TOP 10 in the category ‘Business in the Czech Republic’.

We carefully verify all inputs into our aquaponics

The fish are bred in our own farms. We exercise care to ensure the high quality of fish feed, which is prepared by the experienced company Organta according to our bespoke requirements. Feed is the only input in aquaponics, which makes it especially important. This is why we make sure it has the exact composition we need.

We also buy our plant seeds from a trusted source, the Dutch distributor Rijk Zwaan, which researches, develops, and markets high-quality vegetable varieties and seeds. Besides which, we also successfully grow our own seedlings.

We cultivate talent and enthusiasm

We welcome future aquaponics specialists with open arms. For undergraduates, we offer the opportunity to gain experience on our farms; for graduates, we offer employment in our fish or plant sections. We support the potential, passion, and efforts of all current and future members of our company to create the ideal farms of the future.

In short, when thinking about a healthy future, we take a holistic view.

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